4,5 star camping in Søhøjlandet

By 22 AUGUST 2022 September 20th, 2022No Comments

Bryrup Camping officially rated 4,5 stars

CODK, or Camping Outdoor Denmark, which is the industry association for Danish campsites, has visited to carry out a follow-up assessment of the site's star classification.

In this connection, we can proudly say that we have been awarded half a star on top of the 4 stars we were rated for in 2020. This means that the square can now boast 4,5 stars.

For the individual camper it will hardly be of great importance, but for us owners and employees, who work to make Bryrup Camping a good experience for our guests, it means a huge pat on the back, and we are very proud.

CODK writes...

Inspection Bryrup Camping 17/8 2022
Since the visit in 2020, a lot of improvements have been made to the square. New and very exciting playground, drains on the site, renovation of a number of cabins, optimization of the reception and, not least, the old grill bar has been converted into a nice "beer & wine bar", maybe not the right name, but nice nonetheless and according to the owner very popular. In addition, the site has been Green Stay certified.
With the changed classification requirements and not least the Green Stay certification, the classification will then change from the current 4 stars to 4,5 stars.
All in all, well done in such a relatively short time.

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